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The One Reason The Luxor Deserves Your Support More Often Than Not

The One Reason The Luxor Deserves Your Support More Often Than Not

Tempation Sundays Luxor Hotel and Casino PRIDE Las Vegas October

Congratulations to Luxor for being a disruptor before it was cool to do so; 10-years of inclusion!

It is paramount now more than ever to highlight and recognize businesses for their inclusivity like Luxor.

On Sunday, July 28, 2019, the Luxor Hotel and Casino celebrated the longest-running gay pool party in the entire city of Las Vegas called “Temptation Sunday”. It is now running on 10-years of celebrating individuality.

That’s a whole decade before it was “acceptable” or “cool” to be even remotely progressive.

Luxor celebrated “Temptation Sundays” with DJ Mattmon, guest DJ Morningstar, and 200 plus guests of which 200 of the first guests at the door received a “Temptation Sundays” backpack. 

Even “Temptation Sundays” host J.Son of celebrated his birthday that day.

The Las Vegas PRIDE organization was present and representing the culture. They hosted a special cabana with information on the citywide PRIDE parade taking place October 2019.

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The Strat Hotel, Las Vegas Hotel

Tempation Sundays Luxor Hotel and Casino PRIDE Las Vegas October
Photo Credit: Luxor Hotel and Casino

This is not the first time Luxor has shown its commitment to inclusivity, representation, and diversity. Chef Saul Ortiz represents authentic and traditional Mexican cuisine at Diablo’s Cantina right across from the boozy frozen machine. (This review will make you hungry.)

In case you’re curious, it’s only $25 for admission. Locals, guests, military and emergancy service members pay a reduced price of $15 with a valid ID. Or, you can visit, or to sign up for the event guest list for complimentary entry before 2PM.

For cabana reservations, pricing and more information on Temptation Sundays, visit or follow on Twitter. For more information on next dates and for reservations, visit or call (877) 386-4658. Their Facebook and Twitter are also pretty good sources.

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