What is your earliest morning memory? Thinking of my own, I go back to elementary school. One particular day looks like this: my mother gently wakes me up. She irons my clothes and socks, while I eat breakfast in bed. She would later dress me, warm socks and all, comb my hair and on my way to second-grade morning mass. Middle school through high school was a blur. I skipped breakfast and woke up just in time to throw on a t-shirt, jeans, and my vans. College was worse. I hardly slept and the demand for more hours in my day increased. This suddenly makes me realize that it’s not just me that dragged out terrible morning patterns into my adult life but a lot of other people too.
How You Got Into This Mess To Begin With
We never got a chance to claim our morning routines. We wafted into the next chapter of our lives inherting the morning routines or lackthereof of our parents. It’s quite terrible and downright negligent on our part. Waking up without intention, passion, or awareness is probably why so many of us walk without motivation and a chip on our shoulder. That’s no way to live.
How To Exit The Mess You’re In
Choose soothing 432-hertz song or station and press play. Then, I want you close your eyes for 10-minutes and visualize what the perfect morning looks like to you. Whether it’s possible or not is beside the point. I just want you to visualize it and feel it. Play a scenario in your head. For example, what fabric are your sheets? How do they feel against your skin? Where do you live? Is it a high-rise? Are you brushing your teeth before doing your bed? What does your avocado shake taste like? Did you make enough for you and your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse? Really, really get imaginative and descriptive.
How To Enter Your New Morning Routine
Once you’ve done that start creating the things that you can manifest into your environment instantly. If your ideal morning is to wake up at 5 a.m. and meditate before even doing your bed at your future high-rise, start waking up at 5 .am. and pretend to meditate on the floor of your high-rise. And if your perfect morning includes a significant other whom you share your favorite morning shake with, then make enough for two. You’ll have the second portion available for yourself to drink later. The important thing is to start acting as if it’s already happening so the transition into your ideal morning routine is made possibly instantly.
Reclaiming your mornings starts by planning that which makes you feel good. Then, it’s all thought-to-action. It benefits you, your productivity, your mental wellness, and your overall life experience instead of living the rat-race lifestyle. You have to take care of yourself because that’s the one thing no one else is expecting from you every morning. You have to expect it from yourself.
Photo Credit: Asceno