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How Articles Of Style Is Helping The Modern Gentleman Find The Quintessential Suit

How Articles Of Style Is Helping The Modern Gentleman Find The Quintessential Suit

Articles of Style CARRA magazine Dan Trepanier

No matter how many custom suit shops I try, I’ve yet to come across the right fit. One fit once was so bad that I looked like a 5-year-old drowning in his dad’s suit. Imagine a 6 ft. 2 in. man wearing a baggy suit after they supposedly “measured” me. Enter Articles of Style, which pairs hundreds of years of traditional bespoke tailoring with 21st-century technology to help the modern gentleman find the quintessential suit. They’ll turn your baggy into Nick Jones on the red carpet. They’ll take you regular Joe Schmo style into a something you’d see on Quer Eye for the Straight Guy on Netflix– a sophisticated, handsome version of you.

Articles of Style Algorithm CARRA Magazine

Articles of Style invented an incredible algorithm that analyzes your physical profile and cross-reference it with bazillions of data points to help assist the tailors make the best “fitting garment” to try-on. But that’s one tiny step of the bespoke process. The Articles of Style team digitally evaluates the data so the tailors can then begin doing 99.8% of the work. They even select the best fabric to use depending on where you live for your comfort.

Articles of Style Master Tailor CARRA Magazine

Unfortunately, not every company can have Amazon Prime status when it comes to shipping. And in the case of Articles of Style, that’s a good thing. You cannot rush state-of-the-art, 21st-century custom fittings. The wait is 2 to 3 weeks for the “fitting garment” that’s used to create the data points. BUT (and there’s a but) it’s totally worth it. Think of it this way: you wait 364 days for Christmas each year and all you get are presents you don’t want. Aka, you can wait 14 – 21 days for something you not only want but need.

Articles of Style Fit Review CARRA Magazine

The day has come! Your fitting garment is at your doorstep as notified by your email. Call your friends because you’re going to need them for this next step. It won’t be like a grand unveiling on Extreme Makeover, but a mini-photoshoot is needed. Give your best “blue steel” look for the next four photos. Once that’s done, open the app and upload your fitting photos. You can even put some comments about which areas need to be tailored a little bit better. Dive into those comments like an angry Yelpervery specific.

Articles of Style Personalized Touches CARRA Magazine

After your successful photoshoot, a team of expert tailors will look for bowing and imbalance in the images and will ensure your suit fits so well it looks like you’re starring in the next James Bond movie. The wait is 4 to 6 weeks.

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Articles of Style Final Fit CARRA Magazine

The fitting garment process is the first hurdle. It’s not a repeat process unless your size changes (trust me I like late night snacks just as much as anyone else *dunks Oreo in milk*). Articles of Style is hands-down the best thing to happen to the 21st-century gentleman.

Photo credit: Articles of Style

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