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What To Do If Faced With Voter Suppression & How To Identify It

What To Do If Faced With Voter Suppression & How To Identify It

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Stay in line! We have seen tweets from across the country reporting that the I.D. scanners are not working; people are showing up as unregistered; or showing that they’ve already voted.

Here’s how to handle voter suppression if you or anyone you know is faced with it.

1. What If I’m Showing Up As Unregistered?

Say the following line over and over again until they give it to you: “Give me a provision ballot with a receipt as required by law, thank you. I will wait.”

2. What If They Don’t Give Me One?

Call the Voters Protection hotline at 1-888-730-5816. They will tell what to do next, but DO NOT MOVE. This is a good moment for you to create a Twitter account to document your experience and use hashtags like #electionday, #electionnight, #stayinline, and #votersuppression, so journalists can pick them up. You are not alone! We are  monitoring these hashtags.

3. What If They Tell Me I Have To Leave?

Do NOT move. Stay in line! You’re legally allowed to stay and vote as long as you’re in line by the time the polls close.

Polls close at 7 PM for most states unless you’re there’s been an extension. Tweet your city’s Twitter account. Google your city followed by the word Twitter.

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4. I Want To Vote But I Haven’t Registered

You’re gucci! The following 15 states allow you to register the same day. What’s good Miley?! Go Vote!

Still not sure who to vote for but are getting the courage to vote RIGHT NOW? This guide to voting in Nevada will help you.

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