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4 Reasons Why You Need A Work Wife If You Don’t Have One Yet

4 Reasons Why You Need A Work Wife If You Don’t Have One Yet

work wife Younger TV Land Hilary Duff

Do you have a work wife yet? If you don’t, that’s one of the relationship you need to invest in right now, especially if you want to be a successful modern business woman. Your office soulmate should be someone you can tag team projects with and achieve office goals to benefit not just the bottom line of your employer, but each others future. She/he/they is someone you naturally vibe with. Before you start looking, below is how the work wife relationship works.

1. Gas Up Each Others’ Ideas At The Meeting

Cosmo presented a genius idea. According to Cosmopolitan, the women at the Obama administration used the strategy they called “amplification” during meetings to prop ideas that were addressed. Fill your work wife in on your brilliant new idea. If it’s something she believes in and can get behind on, ask her to gas it up during the meeting so the rest of the team acknowledges your idea, too. Something in the lines of “I think that’s a great idea. I am all in!”

2. The Struggle Life With Your Work Wife

Imagine you’re up-to-the-rim with deadlines. If your “work wife” has time on her hands, and you ask her for help, she’ll be more than likely to set time aside during her busy day to help you because she’s invested in the friendship. You can also do the same thing for her.

3. Happy Wife, Happy Work Life

The office life is hard. You deal with tons of different personalities and that’s going to drain at some point. Your work wife can be someone you can rely on for a quick pick-me-up. You can grab lunch with her to get advice or you can ask her to remind you what a badass boss bitch you are. In the end, you’re more than likely to have a better work-life if you have someone that has your back on an emotional level. Less stress, better work results.

4. The Office Power Couple

Your enthusiasm for your work will skyrocket your position in the corporate world as the power couple in the office. “I’m really good at selling cars,” says Katie McDonald. “And I’m really good at selling add-ons,” said Rebecca Myers. Both Katie and Rebecca work for a nationwide dealership and this office power couple are the highest sale(wo)men in their office because they tag team, play-on each others’ strengths, and complement one another on each other’s weaknesses.

Chances are you probably already have a work wife. You probably enjoy having lunch with her and you probably cover her shifts. Share this article with her, so you’re both on the same page and begin moving up the corporate ladder together starting today.

Photo Courtesy: TV LAND

Question For You

Who is your work wife and what do you love about her/his work ethic?

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