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Are Pantsuits The Only Way To Command Respect At The Office?

Are Pantsuits The Only Way To Command Respect At The Office?

Grace Jones CARRA Tita Carra CARRA magazine Vogue Robb Report Muse by Robb Report Office Style Spring Summer Tips Pantsuits For Office Respect

This new column couldn’t get more CARRA even if we tried. Because we’re asking some damn question, welcome to our newest open-forum column called: IDK, WDYT (what do you think)?

That’s a tricky question because between your baby face and the fact that you’re doing the damn thing, you’re easily tempted to wear the two-piece pantsuit from Zara because you think it’s the only way you’ll gain respect form your peers or staff. The problem is not the suit. It’s just that it’s nowhere near your personal style. So what’s a boss bitch to do to get some damn “respek” around here?

The way we’ve looked at dress codes for work has always been sartorial choices surrounding suits, but whose to say you can’t wear a dress and boots and still be able to pull up and rock your meeting? We need to let our personal style shine so it can empower us. Clothes are a huge part of the boss babe armor.

Clothes are a huge part of the boss babe armor.

Grace Jones CARRA Tita Carra CARRA magazine Vogue Robb Report Muse by Robb Report Office Style Spring Summer Tips Pantsuits For Office Respect

For anyone, especially women, the LGTBQ+ community, and people of color, what we wear is a powerful unapologetic statement of who we are in the world. In case you haven’t noticed, our sartorial choices are walking affirmations to the world of what we mean to accomplish on a given day, what we want, and how we want to be seen.

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We’re all connected to the world and are aware of our political climate. It may be scary and you will be hesitant about wearing your hijab to the office or your Fenty Beauty eyeshadow if you’re a guy, but don’t ever reduce your personality to a suit because you think it’s going to command respect in the office. The respect starts with you and it’s how you carry yourself and the attitude you set forward that will command it.

It’s easy to choose the safety. I get it. But when you wear meant to stand out, why would you choose anything besides originality? Control your narrative by commanding respect with YOUR choices. Be proud to wear your hijab with that Zara pantsuit. Why not? Wear your flawless Fenty Beauty foundation with some KILLAWATT highlighter along with your Tom Ford men’s suit. Because honestly, at the end of the day, who gives a shit what anyone else says? Be yourself. The professional version of yourself, anyway.


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