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Here’s An Idea: Maybe You Should Laugh, You Miserable Mary

Here’s An Idea: Maybe You Should Laugh, You Miserable Mary

Of all the Las Vegas shows that come to mind when I think about a good laugh and a great distraction is Absinthe at Caesars Palace with that bat-shit crazy Gazillionare. What a delusional moron. A delusionally happy moron. Man, I envy and miss his ass. Absinthe and add anything that Ryan Doherty and Common Wealth get behind quite frankly.

As a matter of fact where the fuck have you guys been? Shit’s getting real boring around here without you. That new downtown joint is awesome though. Can we like idk hype it up?

Also do not go looking for/or expecting a fantastic APA’d journalistic report on what’s trendy in food and beverage, or entertainment for that matter, from me right now.

I’ve been OOO since the first print issue of CARRA in 2022 and am still on sabbatical. (More on that later).

I just want to talk about why we all stopped laughing.

And at what point did we agree to take everything so damn seriously? And I mean everything including ourselves. It’s so bad we make people run away including millennials and Gen-Z who know their worth and will in fact quit at the smallest inconvenience (wtf but also proud of us).

Is it me or are we still belligerent from COVID? No, seriously, I am asking.

I don’t know where 90% of you are. You know…the people I once interacted with once every two grand openings per week around the globe. What a time! 

Some people relocated, some people lost their jobs, some people lost their businesses, some people lost their careers, some people lost their wives, some people lost their minds, and some people gained awareness that this entire thing we’ve been doing nonstop called work is a scam.

The Awareness Gate of 2020 woke people the fuck people to the point of no return. Every 👏🏽 single 👏🏽 damn 👏🏽 person who became aware of the void we’ve been chasing called materialism, in all its forms, went within and down that blue pill we all go.

This is not an opinion piece on nostalgia because I hate nostalgia –I only look forward– but it is an opinion piece.

And my opinion is to take that stick from your you know what what and take the red pill once in a while. I’m taking my advice. I no longer ascribe to problems at full speed or consume my mind 24/7, or entertain hustle culture or the boss ethos, and neither should you.

Turn off the TV and get your miserable ass up from out in front of the addicting joy-sucking streaming services and apps, get tickets to the funniest weirdest show you can find in your city, and laugh your misery off. You stinking up the joy.

If you live in Las Vegas, or don’t, look up Absinthe. Or, check your destination’s local listening for something similar if you happen to be reading this by the pool or at the hotel lobby of your tropical resort.

The first time I wrote about Absinth at Caesars Palace, I quickly realized why vaudeville was the rising pastime of choice in the 18th century– born shortly after the Civil War.

As a repeat stoic offender, I know you will only leave wondering what fuck did you just watch but hey at least you’re not worrying about why some mushroom is going extinct and no one seems to care but you…and me but you get the point.

The world isn’t going to fix itself overnight and while your attention to humanity and nature matters, your attention to do the work tomorrow requires your rest and presence.

Wellness, balance, harmony TikTok girl aesthetic or whatever Gen-Z and millennials call it.

See Also
ocean shore, st lucia beaches, jade mountain resort

This article doesn’t mean that I’m back. It just means that we’ve lost our joy, our wonder, our fun, and I wanted to make you laugh, and distress, and take your mind off tomorrow.

Maybe piss you off?????? But just enough to knee-jerk your funny banter into Drive. Go ahead and drag me in the comments. I LIKE it.

For what it’s worth: I miss you and I miss connecting with you.

No matter where you are in the world, I hope you’re doing well. I hope your mind is full of optimism, belief, hope, wonder, and curiosity because we need your good energy in the world now more than ever.

I hope you’re traveling until you see every inch of our planet and witness every sensory enjoyable and surprising, possibly available to mankind. As Diana Vreeland would say, “You know the greatest thing is passion, without it what have you got? I mean if you love someone you can love them as much as you can love them but if it isn’t a passion, it isn’t burning, it isn’t on fire, you haven’t lived.”


Tita Carra

Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

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