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I Can’t Believe You Guys Actually Like Vanderpump Rules

I Can’t Believe You Guys Actually Like Vanderpump Rules

Lisa Vanderpump Vanderpump Rules CARRA Magazine Tita Carra Vogue Magazine Uber CNN Robb Report

No, seriously. I really can’t. Almost as much as I can’t believe how big the show’s gotten since it first aired in 2013. I surely thought it was going to flop at some point but now it’s so big even Lisa Vanderpump has agreed to give them the adult card and co-signed both Tom’s to a restaurant nonetheless named Tom Tom– good God.

I personally don’t have anything against Vanderpump Rules. I seldom watch it here and there when there’s nothing to watch and when I feel the urge to be hashtag relatable and kewl like the rest of you.

In 2013, we were too busy fixing our suit and ties a la Justin Timberlake to watch TV. It was pure hysteria for all industries alike at the time because television views dropped significantly; our views went directly to YouTube and Netflix.

It only took television networks a good 10-years to realize that the medium wasn’t the issue; it was the content. It also took them a good minute to hire contemporary talent with relatable material to share. Case in point television shows like Vanderpump Rules, Awkward Black Girl, Atlanta, and Bravo’s new reality show  Southern Charm. Looking back at the entertainment I’ve consumed as of late on TV, these are it– with the exception of Insecure and Atlanta which I actually watch.

Maybe we’re back to TV because we’re running of shit to watch on Netflix. We can’t even head to the theater because there’s always a fucking sequel, WHICH I’M TIRED OF.

While I’m still surprised that there’s an actual audience that religiously watches Vanderpump Rules, I’m not entirely thrown off.

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Vanderpump Rules is a mirror reflection of where our generation finds itself in: living in shitty apartments, trying to figure ourselves out, venturing into entrepreneurship, partying like we’re still in college, dating like all our eggs aren’t about to drop, replacing vodka with wine it’s the classier adulty thing to do even though we get belligerent drunk, living a glamorous life on a budget, obsessed with cosmetic procedures, and living our own version of fame whether online or through our own reality show…even though we’re actually servers at a restaurant.

Good for television or an alarming wakeup call? Either way I’m Stassi because “it’s my birthday,” season.

Lisa Vanderpump Vanderpump Rules CARRA Magazine Tita Carra Vogue Magazine Uber CNN Robb Report

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