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Welcome To Our “Holiday Getaway Plan For Surviving Your Family” Week

Welcome To Our “Holiday Getaway Plan For Surviving Your Family” Week

It’s that time of year when the next two weeks almost seem like a blur, but with the CARRA getaway plan to crack open in case of emergency you’ll survive the season just fine. It’s kind of messed up that we’re dreading visiting our family for the holidays. I know our parents and extended family are to blame. Our aunt and uncle are always arguing for whatever reason, the shady remarks from the cousin who seems to have figured out life with her perfect little family AND she’s a millennial (fucking hate her) is irritating as always, and leave it to grandma to continue to pressure us into birthing children when we barely have time to take care of what’s left of our friendships.

Anxiety Baby

You feel that? That’s anxiety, baby. Creeping its way up your back and onto your right shoulder. But for the purpose of us not losing our shit, how about a little humor? You remember her right?

Connecting With One

One thing our Holiday Getaway Week For Surviving Your Family will not include is losing yourself in your phone. What is this 2010? No. We’re 10-years into the future now. We’re all going to be spending this time connecting with yourselves and the things we miss out on throughout the year.

Cultured Drunky

Like getting the courage to hit-up a bar with artisanal cocktails, but not before googling what artisanal cocktails are before ordering one, by yourself and striking up a conversation with a stranger. Whether the person sitting next to you or the bartender who’s got the name and talent for a bidding country singer future. Plot twist. He’s actually a country singer in his spare time.

Smells Like A Grown Woman

Other things on our Holiday Getaway Week For Surviving Your Family will include watching up a striptease show also by yourself and in your sexiest pajamas. Why not? Pack your clothes inside your YSL backpack before sneaking out while everyone is yelling and babies are crying . Get dressed in your car before pulling-up to valet like any grown woman would do.

If all fails, there’s nothing like visiting some good ole’ karaoke or Starbucks with your journal in hand. It’s the perfect time to write the TV script that’ll make you the next breakout star from HBO. Be the gift of giving to yourself. So, without further adieu,  welcome to the CARRA holiday getaway week for surviving your family this merry season.

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