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How Sam Bracamontes Still Drives Sales Amidst COVID19

How Sam Bracamontes Still Drives Sales Amidst COVID19

sam bracamontes diageo las vegas

All fall and winter 2020, we’re checking in with friends from the industry to see how they’re adapting to the new normal amidst the COVID-19 pandemic that’s shaken up the entire world. Kicking-off our series we had the pleasure of chatting with Sam Bracamontes, host of Corporate Entrepreneurs podcast and On-Premise Educator of world-renowned spirits brand, Diageo (at the time of this interview he was the Brand Steward of WhistlePig Rye). Learn how he continues to create brand awareness and generate sales when his role requires event activations. Corporate Entrepreneurs episodes drop bi-weekly. You can find it on all streaming services. Keep up with Bracamontes and his podcast on Instagram.

What made you want to start a podcast? What is your current role right now?

“Gratitude is reason I started a podcast, I want to give back to a community that has given me so much, my current role is South West Regional Sales Manager overseeing Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico.”

What has been the common conversation across your interviews when it’s come to the nightlife community? What have they spoken on and what are their biggest challenges?

“There’s a lot of concern in nightlife on when the reopening will take place, they’re essentially concert venues with large crowds, many nightlife professionals are losing hope that they will be back to work this year.”

What has been your biggest challenge and what are you doing to keep the brand relevant and top-of-mind of people while keeping yourself safe? 

“I manage the business of WhistlePig in three states, and zoom whiskey tastings have been a great tool to keep us engaged with our consumers, we have done some tastings locally with very limited amount of people. In 15-min increments, where we sanitize after each tasting, I and the venues (restaurants, bars, etc., that carry a brand’s products) take full precautions and wear masks, gloves, use squeeze bottles to pour into a individually wrapped tasting cup etc.

I will say that we as professionals, we have to take the extra steps to help our partners gain the trust of their customers. And when doing so, for a second while tasting a beautiful spirit we forget there’s a pandemic outside. And truly this is the role of a brand representative, to elevate an experience, to build memories and be a great partner to those that support our brand.

Covid has impacted our on-premise partners the most, but we have been able to collaborate on to-go cocktails and focus on retail partners to teach consumers how to make some amazing cocktails at home.”

You talked about how COVID-19 has created the potential for the comeback of the local DJ and local DJ residencies. Why do you believe that’s true during this time and what should DJ’s start doing to capitalize on this idea?

“I still believe that local residencies will be a great opportunity for local artists, we as a community want to see our friends and community members be supported, I feel that the fact that venues won’t have to cover travel expenses etc will be a motivator for booking managers to be creative and highlight local talent, and we have tons of it.

I have to also note that the DJ’s who are staying on top of mind with their demographic and finding creative ways to be seen and heard will be the ones to get called first. This is a relationship business but consumers will drive demand.

There are so many great local DJ’s giving essentially free shows via their IG live like DJ exile, DJ Lucky Lou, DJ Turbulence, DJ Romeo and the fellas from R.o.a.d. Podcast. I look at them and see how they are nourishing their fan base and giving entertainment in a much needed time and I as a brand builder can only admire the way they are creating brand loyalty which will translate to bookings once we can re-open.”

Sam, regarding Corporate Entrepreneurs the podcast: What topics do your cover the most?

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“The topics will range in practicality and levels of experience. Anywhere from Resume Building 101, mastering the interview process to Profit And Loss 101, financial literacy, and how to launch a successful alcohol brand.”

Who would you recommend your podcast to? 

“I would recommend this podcast to any driven individual seeking to gain insights from others. CEOs can learn about the challenges of mid-level executives, junior operators can learn from those that have experience but are also still in the trenches of the corporate world. I really do believe that the practicality of the episodes make it easy for everyone to learn from our guests.”

What are you hoping to accomplish by creating this podcast?

“I want to encourage my industry to share more ‘secrets to success’ with one another, I want us to have more conversations on our challenges and find solutions for those together. I want to show that anyone can make if they have the drive and patience. I want to allow myself to be vulnerable and hope to help those following my steps believe in themselves to reach their goals while understanding the reality of what it takes to get there.”


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