FAS44, known as FreyBoy Art Salon, showcased their latest exhibit by contemporary photographer Mona Kuhn on May 12th. Michael Frey, the FAS44 founder and local collector welcomed guests to the 1,300 square foot space. The exhibit displayed 41 photographs which averaged in price form $6,000 to $15,000.

After the success of the initial exhibit featuring Cig Harvey, Frey continues the momentum of FAS44 with Kuhn’s thought-proving work. Her career spans over 20 years is known for her contemporary depictions and distinct aesthetic. Using a playful visual strategy to invoke a sublime sense of comfort between the human figure and its environment, Kuhn has created a notable approach to the nude.

Her work is in public and private collections worldwide, including the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston and the Kiyosato Museum in Japan. Her work has also been displayed in renowned institutions such as The Louvre Museum and Le Bal in Paris, The Whitechapel Gallery and Royal Academy of Arts in London.
Guests can visit the exhibit by appointment through June 30th. For more information, call 702-735-8322.