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Majid Jordan Brings Deep House Vibes At Intimate Set LIGHT Nightclub Las Vegas

Majid Jordan Brings Deep House Vibes At Intimate Set LIGHT Nightclub Las Vegas

Majid Jordan, Las Vegas DJ, Las Vegas Nightclub, LIGHT

Majid Jordan, the Canadian R&B duo brought deep, disco house vibes to LIGHT Nightclub located at Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino in Las Vegas on May 14th. Guests at the popular nightclub were with treated to an intimate performance. 

Singer Majid Al Maskati and producer Jordan Ullman arrived at LIGHT alongside their team around 12:15 a.m. Taking the stage at 12:30 a.m., the duo performed an indie, EDM-style DJ set including their hit song “Teardrops,” in collaboration with Marc Kinchen.

Las Vegas DJ, LIGHT Nightclub
Photo Credit: Toby Acuna

During the set, Kinchen was seen enjoying the duo’s performance of their hit song from the DJ booth.

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NF Concert Las Vegas, Jeff Leibow

For more information about LIGHT Nightclub visit

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