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Why I Don’t Give A Shiitake Mushroom That Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson Broke Up

Why I Don’t Give A Shiitake Mushroom That Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson Broke Up

Ariana Grande Pete Davidson SNL CARRA magazine CARRA

Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson don’t owe any of us an explanation as to why they broke up. In fact, I don’t see why media outlets continue to report on people’s personal lives.

I’m not even sure why website’s like TMZ are saying that “they split following her depression due to Mac Miller’s death,” like? How would you even know? And if you did, mind it.

You guys realize that celebrities are people too, right? And that depending on their job title, you don’t have the right to pry into their personal lives.

For example, Taylor Swift is a singer. Her only job is to sing and our only expectation from her is her music whose purpose is to entertain us and help us identify.

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato both fall into the same category. Nothing about exploiting their very personal lives is any of our business.

It needs to be said that celebrities don’t owe us every single moment of their lives unless they consciously decide to publicize something personal, then they’ve opened the door for debate.

You would never be this invested in a janitor’s private moments or personal matters like you would Grande’s and Davidson’s, or would you?

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This is the reason why I don’t give a shit about Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson breaking up. Because unless they’ve signed up to a role where things like relationships and mental health are part of their package as entertainers, then we have no business asking questions, making comments, or discussing these things on such a public and global platform.

“R-E-S-P-E-C-T,” as the late great Aretha Franklin said. Have we forgotten what that means?

Photo Credit: @ArianaGrande

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