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Awareness Triggered The Sustainable Movement According To Master Chef Olivier

Awareness Triggered The Sustainable Movement According To Master Chef Olivier

Sustainable Sustainability Olivier Dubreuil Master Chefs of France Haute Cuisine Tita Carra Las Vegas CARRA magazine Vogue magazine mario testini daria werbowy

I heard someone say recently that they only purchase produce that’s in season and it was the most hashtag adulting thing I’d heard in a long time because she was 26-years-old. A sustainable lifestyle rings truer if you live in a desert state like Nevada, which is why Haute Cuisine comes in at an interesting time. I witnessed Haute Cusine at its finest. It was last fall — their first year– and the event truly was an affair hosted by Master Chefs of France like Chef Olivier at The Venetian who so willingly championed that we should all “Go green, go organic, be healthy.” I spoke with him on why the topic of sustainability is important to tell now.

TITA CARRA: Where and who did the idea originate to merge fine dining with the topic of sustainability and why was it an important narrative to tell?

CHEF OLIVIER: As part of the resort’s sustainability program, we have chosen Haute Cuisine as an event to provide a green focus. As our commitment to minimize our environmental impact continues to expand, it only makes sense to include all areas of the resort.

TC: As a luxury journalist for the past 10-years, I always talked about luxury turning a new leaf in the 21st-century, which is why I created CARRA. We pride ourselves in being a conscious, inclusive, and responsible brand as well.  I saw this coming years ago; the idea that luxury is no longer surface and all about depth. For me, Haute Cuisine is a testament to that prediction.  I attended last year’s event. Why do you think the world of sustainability and luxury merge so well, enough to create an event around it?

CO: It goes hand in hand, it merges so well because it feels good to do the right thing, it feels good to eat and drink healthy dishes and beverages, it’s not always about caviar and champagne and needs to be more personal, it’s about stories.  Who is the winemaker behind this bottle? Who is the farmer that grows the tomatoes? It’s all there.  We just need to share all those stories and haute cuisine is the perfect venue for this. Having the master chefs of France is a great platform to develop even more at this event.

TC: The topic of sustainability, conscious, and responsible brands is overwhelmingly growing community, especially in Las Vegas with the rise of Vegan restaurants in our city. Why do you think this is of importance to people now as opposed to before?

CO: Awareness of what sustainability means really triggered a movement. It’s becoming a habit, being healthy, being responsible, being aware of waste, and the welfare of animals. Most of the people are now realizing the importance of being respectful of the food chain.

Olivier Dubreuil Master Chefs of France Haute Cuisine Tita Carra Las Vegas CARRA magazine

TC: Little by little we are “petit a petit, l’oiseau fait son nid,” (to quote the French proverb) so to speak on the movement of sustainability. Why is this personally important for you to participate in and important for The Venetian?

CO: Sustainability is here to stay. This is not a trend.  It needs to be a priority in our lives now and for future generations. So it is important for me to share, educate and show that we at The Venetian are behind this 100 percent.

TC: Why should anyone care about an event like this from a consumer perspective? What is the biggest takeaway other than the luxurious appeal and how do you and The Venetian want them to feel when they leave?

CO: Haute Cuisine really defines the quality of product, and quality of wine in an intimate setting under the stars with beautiful décor. Everyone can mingle, connect, share and really take the time to relax and enjoy life. .

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TC: Out of all the professions in the world, what was it about food that spoke to you in such a way that it compelled you to become a chef?

CO: Cooking is not a job for me, it’s simply a pleasure and that’s why I always wanted to be a chef. Some of the best memories are built in the kitchen. From family gatherings, sharing stories, it was always in the kitchen in our family home. Now I want to continue to share, teach and, most importantly have fun.

TC: Okay, so tell me about the food and the wine! What MUST I try and what should I pair it with?

CO: So many choices are available, but definitely the braised veal shank with foie gras and truffles. It will be served with Besserat Champagne, so we can’t go wrong!!

You can support The Venetian and the Master Chefs of France on their mission towards a more sustainable world by attending their Haute Cuisine tomorrow. Tickets are starting at only $84 and be bought here. You and your friends can sip decadent wines, beer, spirits, all organic and equally boozy, biodynamic, and sustainable! Taste masterful food underneath the stars, poolside at the grand (and I mean GRAND) Aquatic Club, all of which are healthy and sustainable food from seafood, meat, and vegetarian selections from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. See you there!

Photo Courtesy: The Venetian, Mario Testino, Vogue

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