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Explore The Extravagant Depths Of The Guatemalan Rainforest At La Lancha

Explore The Extravagant Depths Of The Guatemalan Rainforest At La Lancha

La Lancha The Family Coppola Hideaways Guatemala CARRA Magazine

There’s always this burning desire within me that wants to go on an adventure into the jungle. But then I think about all the movies I’ve watched (aka “King Kong”) and I almost immediately shock myself into a coma. Over the years, glamping has become a thing. It’s cool and all, and I’m always taken aback by how many things they can fit into that little piece of fabric they call a “tent.” But there’s still a possibility of a bear coming up and mauling you at the end of the day. And that tent is not that thick, honey. So glamping is out too.

1. La Lancha

La Lancha The Family Coppola Hideaways Guatemala CARRA Magazine

So what can I do to fulfill this burning desire? I want to stay a night with Mother Nature, without the possibility of dying. Well…my prayers have been answered because there’s a luxury hotel called La Lancha that’s owned by The Family Coppola Hideaway in Guatemala. High above the lake, the resort is set in the rainforest and offers the best views of your life (not exaggerating, it’s a real thing).

2. Inside the Luxury Resort

La Lancha serves hot meals, they have enough wine to get an elephant drunk (we don’t recommend you try that at home) and you have gorgeous views during the day and night. Wake up at sunrise one day and watch the sun ascend out of the water. It adds a special sparkle effect on top of the deep blue lake, trust us it’s worth it. And you can always go back to bed after! Because why? You’re on vacation, duh! But before all of this begins, arrive by boat and take their brand new funicular. It takes you underneath the beautiful green canopies of the rainforest all the way up to the front door of your spectacular hotel. This gives you the perfect opportunity to be one with Mother Nature. This might be the safe route, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re in a rainforest.

3. Zipline (Kinda) Through The Rainforest

La Lancha The Family Coppola Hideaways Guatemala CARRA Magazine

After you get over the beauty of it all, unlikely but still a possibility, what is there to do? Great question Karen from finance! You can take a full-day adventure to the Maya ruins of Tikal, cut through the waters on canoes, ride through the forest on horseback or even take a Lake Petén Itzá and Flores tour. All of these activities will be adventurous and give you a chance to learn about the culture and land. On the Lake Petén Itzá and Flores tour, you’ll take a boat and stop at communities like San Jose and Santa Barbara (not the cities in California in case you were wondering). There, you’ll have the chance to head into a museum where you’ll stumble across a number of ancient Maya artifacts. All this sounds good, but if you’re coming here to disconnect and simply relax, you can also just hang by the pool. I hear water and sunlight in the rainforest have the ability to melt the knots right out of your back.

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4. Adios Muchachos!

La Lancha The Family Coppola Hideaways Guatemala CARRA Magazine

Look, I get that there are all these other luxury places you can explore, but this is something completely different and offers a life-changing experience. So, what will it be? Something that will change how you view the world or an experience like all the others? If it’s the first, pack your bags to La Lancha! I’ll meet you in the rainforest, y’all.

Photo credit: The Family Coppola Hideaway

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