It’s come to my attention that millionaires, billionaires, c-executives, and entrepreneurs alike are paying matchmakers to find them a potential significant other. Some are even paying them to manage their dating app profiles.
How do I know this? Because in the name of journalism and I had to succumb myself to one of those. I have a screenshot for you but I was told by the dating app company that I would be violating their users’ right. But, after I swiped on their profile, the message said:
“Hi! My name is ____ and I am looking for women my client would be interested in meeting. Please take a look at his profile and if he’s someone you’d be interested in meeting, please let me know. I’d love to setup a place, of your choice, where you two can meet!”
Thanks, but no thanks. Also, how lazy? What do you think this tells me as “someone interested in this person” just from this absurd first impression? Well, I’ll tell you: 1) he has no interpersonal skills even behind a screen that he has to hire someone to do it and 2) he must be so busy that he needs to hire someone to manage his dating profiles.
I don’t want this to be you and please don’t– I’ll totally unfriend you everywhere. While there’s nothing bad — I guess — to have a dating profile, you and I both know exactly what you’re looking for no matter the branding and mission statement behind these shiny and glossy dating companies: sexting.
If you want to make a real connection, that is still possible. Caution smarty pants: if your EQ ranks low, read “The Real Reason Why You’re Wealthy and Accomplished But Still Single” first before continuing. However, if you’ve read the above and your EQ is where it should be, here’s how to date using your badass corporate communication skills that gave you the financial and success you have now.
Tip 1:
The first tip lies in keeping in mind that if you’re single and looking, you are essentially looking for a prospect to fill the position of the love of your life *cue the awws*. And, there’s nothing wrong with this idea. The approach does change in matters of social communication. Read below for to tip number two.
Tip 2:
Figure out what they value in life by doing the most crucial step that will save you from singledom– ask them. The tricky thing is introducing this question without scaring or throwing them off. Both men and women will react this way if you don’t introduce this question casually and cautiously, so here’s the play-by-play…but before I go there just remember that relationships can be formed anywhere. Don’t reserve this question for a traditional one-on-one date. If you’re at a dinner with friends or group business dinner, simply introduce it like this: “Not to change the subject on you but you’re very ____ (insightful, curious; insert whatever you genuinely feel), so I’m wondering what are the things that you value in life?”
You’re already surrounded by other highly intelligent and successful people, so chances are they’re 1) just as busy and single as you and 2) they may just have an answer. If they don’t, that’s ok too. If you really like them after having chatted with them for a while say, “well think about it and get back to me *insert charming smile/laugh here*. And continue with “In the meantime, I personally value….” If there is no depth, move on because that is what we’re after here.
Tip 3:
Persuasion and likeability are how either party dots I’s in a contract. Use these skills in love, too. Find common ground, ask questions, listen, and let them talk. Make it about them because it is about them since you’re curious about them. In the end, you may find that they’re just not worth pursuing.
Tip 4:
Seal the deal by asking for their number and don’t be weird about. Yes, you can do it. Just say hey, I don’t have a business card but would love to continue our chat. Grab your phone opened to text message app and have them text their number with their name. Now, I know you’re inclined to send a text right away but STOP. Wait until the next day, so you can continue chatting.
Patti Stanger and Matthew Hussey, who?
Photo Found: Pinterest